Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8th - Second Work Day

It was another early morning in Shiprock, New Mexico for the youth mission team. We started off the morning with devotions and ate breakfast. Next, we all packed into the vans and drove off to our different work sites. Some of the youth had a change of plans and changed work sites for the day, but we all worked hard at our various sites. Annie, Jenna, Elizabeth, Barb B, Barb R, and Sherri continued to move pallets and loose wood. They also started to paint part of the shed. In the process, Jenna and Annie found and captured a lizard! The lizard had a mind of it's own and decided to crawl onto Jenna's back. The lizard was not happy when Elizabeth grabbed onto it so it decided to bite her finger. No worries, all fingers are still intact. Susan, Rachel, Jake, Danny, and Howard finished insulating the inside of the exterior walls of Bistahi UMC and started insulating part of the ceiling. Today was the last day of working at Bistahi due to the need of an electrician. No one was needed at the daycare because of the demand for workers at Bistahi, but youth will be going there on Thursday morning.

After the work day, the youth played many card games including ERS, BS (Bible Study), Speed and Gin Rummy. Howard joined us to play Apples to Apples and many laughs were shared. Then, we went to Shiprock UMC and feasted upon fry bread tacos for Taco Tuesdsay. We learned "Jesus Loves Me"  in the Navajo language and sang the English version too. Also, many members of the team bought jewelry of assorted types including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. We closed the night with group devotions and popsicles. It was a great day and we're glad to share these memories with you. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

-Jenna and Annie

Hard at work

Or hardly working?

Power tools are fun!

Shiprock in the dust storm - we can usually see all of it from our back yard.

Bloggers hard at work!

Jesus Loves You

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