Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday, July 6th

For a "non-work" day, we sure were busy.  With the sun up, we were able to get our first view of Shiprock.  It is a pretty impressive piece of rock.  After breakfast, we headed off to church at First United Methodist Church, also known as Shiprock United Methodist Church.  It is a small congregation but very welcoming.  Although Pastor Mull promised us a 3 hour sermon, he didn't deliver.  This worked out well for us as we had a team meeting with Frank Hanagarne (Mr. H) and Frank Ellison.  We received an overview of the work we will be doing and then went out to see 3 of the 4 worksites.  One site is 60 miles away, so the first visit there will be to work.  Tasks on the schedule are electrical work and installing insulation, prepping and painting a shed, replacing a porch roof, working with day care kids, and moving shelving at a drop in center.

We took the opportunity to visit a few states this afternoon - so here is the group in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.  We can give the weather report that it was equally hot in all four states.

After a great dinner prepared by Howard, Barb R, Jake, and Jenna, Mr. H came to give us a talk about the ministry of Four Corners Native American Mission, including a brief overview of Navajo history.  Evening devotions are now over and we have free time before we to go to bed.  It will be an early morning tomorrow.

View of Shiprock from one of the worksites.

Clouds promising rain - but not over us.

Not much shade for the workers - but a shade has been promised for tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your support.  Good night.

Your Youth Mission Team


  1. Wonderful description of your full day. You are blessings.

  2. What a day! Big hugs to all! Keeping you close in prayer and spirit.
