Sunday, July 6, 2014

Safe Arrival

Thank you to all who came to see us off this morning.  And an extra special thank you for all of the prayers for safe travel.  It was a long day but we have safely arrived in Shiprock, NM.  The vans have been unloaded, we have had devotions, and are now settling down for a good night's sleep.

We will post more tomorrow.

Blessings to all,

Your Youth Mission Team.


  1. So very excited for all of you. I can remember all the fun times we had serving together on mission trips. I will be praying for all of you as you serve those who God has placed in your path. Remember God put these complete strangers into your lives for a reason so be sure to make the most of it. Way to go in building up God's kingdom. I am very proud of you all and will be praying for the mission team. Love you all.


  2. So glad to hear that you all arrived safely. Came to see you off yesterday-at 7:30A-yes, I was there all by myself!

  3. But the spirit & love was there.

  4. So very proud of this whole group, but your absence did leave things much quieter at Church on Sunday. Know that each of you are in our thoughts and prayers.
