Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday, July 11th - Travel Day 1

Today was the first day of traveling home.  It was sad to leave Shiprock and the new relationships we made there but home calls us.  We got the dorm cleaned and headed to Mesa Verde to view the beautiful scenery and see the cliff dwellings.  It is amazing to see what they were able to build without the tools that we would think are necessary to do this.  We had devotions by the Cliff Palace.  An Army Vet listened in as Elizabeth read the Beatitudes to us.  It was wonderful to share our devotions with each other and those around us. Then, we went to the Sun Temple and had a lovely picnic.

We drove through some rain but arrived safely in Rocky Ford, CO.  We had a wonderful Taco Salad dinner prepared by Elizabeth's mother.  Our devotions were held outside and our host families and others from Rocky Ford joined us.  As we were reading our care cards, a cross appeared by the firepit.  It was there as a reminder of Christ's Grace to us.  It will be there for our morning devotions.

We had lots of fun around the fire - making smores, petting kittens, watching the turtle and chickens, and (unfortunately) watching a toad jump into the fire.  The good news is that he did escape the flames and appeared none the worse for wear. After we finished up the different groups dispersed to go with their host families.

It's time to go to bed.  Thank you for following our journey.  Your continued prayers for our final day of travel are greatly appreciated.


Susan and Barbara
From Mesa Verde - our last view of Shiprock.  It really is there - just the little bump on top of the mesa.

The youth in one of the cliff houses

Devotions near Cliff Palace

Devotions around the fire pit

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