Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday, July 7th - First Work Day

The youth mission team woke up bright and early this morning at 6 am to kick off the first day of our mission work. After eating breakfast and packing our lunches, we scattered around different work sites around New Mexico. Danny, Jake and Howard took an hour drive up to Bistaih UMC Facility where they installed an attic ladder and stapled up insulation. They worked hard without the help of running water or electricity. Barb B, Susan and Rachel had the pleasure of working with some kids at a daycare facility where they helped the kids learn shapes, letters, numbers and colors. They also got to drink "Green Monster Smoothies"so that's always a plus! Barb R, Elizabeth, Sherri, Annie and I helped move and organize over a hundred pallets next to a shed which we will be painting in the near future. Then all of the ladies gathered to travel to the Drop In Center.The Center is open for  residents to come and rest and take any necesities they may need. We worked together to buid and re-build a large shelf. The first couple of times we did not build the shelf to the correct standards, so it was fun to take down all of the parts and re-assemble them! But never-the-less, we finished the project once and for all.

After we gathered back to our home base to have an italian dinner, we drove down to see the area around "The Shiprock." We had the privilage to climb and explore some rock formations nearby the a Shiprock Pinnacle. Lots of laughs and memories were created and of course, we had to capture them on camera. Then after climbing, Frank Ellison took us to another part of the surrounding area to collect some quartz. It was very interesting to see them in mounds on the ground. They ranged in different colors and sizes and we also found some lizards and a horned toad scurrying through the shrubs and rocks. Next we headed off to see Shiprock first hand. We arrived and had the chance to climb and explore the huge rock for about 20 minutes. All of the youth took off running and then quickly realized that running is quite difficult when running on rocks, sand and at an elevation of  5,700 feet in the air. But we kept trekking up and up until a couple of us reached the base. Susan, Jake and I climbed past the base and into a small and very steep area hidden in the rock. By the time we stopped and looked around, the sun was setting and we had an absolutly breathtaking view of the land below. It was a moment that I will never forget and I am glad that I got spend it with my youth group. I never wanted to leave that spot, but, of course, we had to make the journey back down Shiprock. At the bottom of Shiprock we had our devotion about the beauty of God's creation. We took a look around us and noted how beautiful and large everything around us is, but yet how we are still a major part of God's plan. It was a great way to end a tremendous day.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Jenna W.
Shiprock Pinnacle

Another view of Shiprock as the sun starts to set

Ready, set, go!...(Insert panting)
Moving pallets

Jumpuing for joy on a rock formation

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures could be in a travel magazine. Beautiful! And thank you for the great write up about your day. It makes us feel like you're not that far away - - - even thought you are. Blessings, Anne B
