Thursday, July 10, 2014

Thursday, July 10th - Fourth and Final Work Day

Hello, today the blog is written by Danny and Jake; the guys minus Howard.

We woke up a little late today; the dudes. The gals plus Howard were up super early as usual.
At around 8 this morning we headed out to Roger's house and Danny mowed his lawn and Susan, Rachel and Jake replaced some of the roofing assisted by Frank Ellison; he is most excellent. We finished ahead of schedule and headed back to the dorm. Mr. H. always has more work, Danny, Susan, and Howard helped dig out and find a broken power line; it was hard work but they got it done in no time. We had burgers for lunch that were most excellent. We had about four hours of free time where we played cards and many took the opportunity to take a long luxurious nap. Then, around quarter to seven, we headed to the church to listen to a Navajo Code Talker tell his story. We got a good picture with him. Then we came back here and had devotions. Then it's now. We are writing this blog it's pretty excellent.

Now a short story from Danny and Jake.

It was a stormy night. A wild watermelon was rolling along. Then he was like wow. "I AM A PUMPKIN!!" he shouted. What now?
Six months later he became a jackalope.
Plot twist of the century.

Danny & Jake

PS - Just so you know, Elizabeth, Jenna, and Annie went to the day care center.  Howard, Sherri, Barb R, and Barb B cleaned up Roger's yard and started a trash pile.  Just wanted to let you know that the rest of us worked this morning, also.

Barbara B
Seems like I could have done this at home - but I would have missed so much.

We had the honor of meeting Sam Sandoval, a Navajo Codetalker

Bloggers most excellent

Jenna and her most luxurious nap

Up on the rooftop, workers nail.


  1. And today is Friday. Are you en route home? Safe travels and we look forward to more excellent tales.

  2. Heading home today. Will overnight in Rocky Ford and be home on Saturday.
